CRSI Design Handbook 2008
Updated: Aug 26, 2022

The Concrete Reinforcing Steel Institute (CRSI) was organized in 1924 as a cooperative, nonprofit
organization of producers and fabricators of reinforcing bars and accessories, together with
persons or entities otherwise involved in reinforced concrete construction. The Institute has a
“Professional Member” classification which opens CRSI activities to designers, specifiers,
educators and research personnel actively engaged in reinforced concrete design and construction.
A major objective of the Concrete Reinforcing Steel Institute is to disseminate helpful structural
design information for economical and efficient use of materials, and to save designers’ time. CRSI
has published Design Handbooks since 1952.
This new CRSI Design Handbook, 10th Edition, 2008, follows the long-established tradition of
providing completed, tabulated designs of common reinforced concrete structural members. The
tabulated designs are for normally encountered conditions, and are based on the latest applicable
code provisions and materials specifications. All of the tabulated designs in this Handbook are
prepared in accordance with “Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete (ACI 318-08).”
The majority of the notation used in this Handbook follows ACI 318-08. In those instances where
other notation had to be introduced, the symbols are defined or shown on figures. Inch-pound units
are used throughout this Handbook. The reader is encouraged to review the information about soft
metric reinforcing bars on Page 1-5.
Since the first CRSI Design Handbook in 1952, users of these Handbooks have been cooperative
in suggesting to the Design Aids Committee and CRSI Staff, many improvements, clarifications
and additional design short-cuts. This professional assistance is very helpful, and is appreciated.
Comments regarding this Handbook are welcome so that future Handbooks can be further
improved. Direct comments to Neal S. Anderson, CRSI Vice President of Engineering.
